Moody dark portraits are known as the best portraits which have left on unique impression on all social media platforms, especially on Instagram.

The moody tone is widely used by the best and well-known photographs of the world while photo editing. Nowadays on Instagram is kind of moody dark photo is very trendy. If you still haven’t subscribed to our youtube channel then do subscribe and press the bell icon to get the latest notification of my photoshop tutorials for free.
In this video, you will find exactly how to install this preset step by step. Hence if you still don’t understand how to install this preset then just play our below youtube video tutorial.
So this video covers three-part first is the download of the preset from here and how to install that presets in camera raw of photoshop cc and last how to use it.

This moody tone gives a very deep effect on the photo and the model looks amazing when the moody effect is given.

This Moody tone is very popular these days on instagram and everywhere photographers do use this tone to make their photo look very dark and moody.